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Quality English celebrates 20th anniversary

Published Bernice on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 7:03 AM

Quality English celebrates 20th anniversary
In late November, QE celebrated its 20th anniversary with a QE School Conference, Mission and Gala Dinner in Madrid. The two-day event brought together 30 QE schools and over 50 agents in what was a celebration of the first 20 years of QE and a look forward to the next 20. 
The QE Conference was an opportunity for QE schools to sit down together and discuss important industry-related topics. The Mission itself was one of the largest workshops QE has hosted and was attended by agents from a variety of European countries. 
Finally, the Gala Dinner was a joyous occasion with speeches from QE Chief Executive, Jonathan Swindell, QE Director, Timothy Blake (London School of English) and Colm O'Byrne from the event sponsor, ATC Language Schools. Over the course of the evening, the attendees, rousted by the infectious enthusiasm of Spencer Fordham (Capital School of English) raised €1500 for the British Homes and Schools for Ukrainians (BHSU) charity which is led by Kate Hargreaves (Living Learning English). 
We now look ahead to the next 20 years of QE, full of ideas and enthusiasm for what it will bring. 

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